
Old Testament Christians

It amazes me how those who profess to be Christians act as if Jesus’ life and teachings are irrelevant to living their day-to-day lives. Trump Prayer1 Today’s evangelical leaders and their followers live like the characters in the old testament.  In fact, many evangelicals compare Trump with King Cyrus of the Old Testament.

Even a casual reader of the Bible knows that there is a profound shift in the tone, tenor and outright teachings between the old and new testaments.  The only thing connecting them is the prophecy of a King in the old testament who is realized in the new testament as Jesus.

We see today’s evangelicals living their lives like it’s the Old Testament and I’m not talking about the ten commandments.  (If they were doing this, we’d be a lot better off.) Evangelicals support war and vengeance against their enemies, they are intolerant of gays, they support the death penalty, engage in multiple marriages and most of all acquisition of money and power.  Jesus threw the money changes out of the temple.  Listening to today’s evangelical leaders, you would think that acquisition of money is a core belief of being a Christian.  Today’s prosperity gospel, with one leading proponent with a last name of Dollar, sums it all up.

Evangelicals use the New Testament for just a few concepts.  First and foremost, being a Christian is an everlasting life insurance policy for a ticket to heaven. Second, is the big middle finger that evangelicals will give to the non-believers on judgement day (a form of vengeance).  Third, is the business opportunities for Christmas and fourth, WHEN IT IS CONVENIENT.  After all, living a life like Christ is a big, giant inconvenience in today’s society.

Not my normal post

Lots of spare time during COVID.

Those scammers who call asking me to switch my credit card are very annoying. Usually, I just hang-up, BUT…..I Googled “Hindi swear words” and memorized a couple. When they call, I repeat them. They are taken aback and the line goes quiet for a second or two and they hang-up. Hindi has very creative swear words.

Another tactic is to answer every question with a “yes”. It takes awhile for them to realize that you are messing with them. Their income is based on successful calls. Wasting their time reduces the number of calls they make.

The 1-800-DoNotCall tool is a joke.

Free Speech Doesn’t Apply, but…

I just went on to Parler.com. There is some content from the CEO. I had an account just to see what the crazies were saying. As much as I like that it was gut-punched by being thrown off AWS, I think it should be able to return under probation. It says it has an AI tool to detect violations of the Amazon’s TOS (hopefully its own, too). Let Parler prove it. If it violates the TOS a second time, then let it die. Though the First Amendment does not apply to commercial speech, corporations like AMZ have an outsized amount of power in our society. Facebook, too. Trump & Twitter is another story.

Insanity, expecting different results….

Biden is in la-la land.  I’m not a historian, but I can’t think of any major law that wasn’t contentious and enacted with the slimmest of majorities. Voting Rights, civil right, social security, the ACA and even the 2009 stimulus during an economic freefall! Have you seen the movie Lincoln and how the 13th amendment was passed?  Biden will try his “can’t we all get along” pitch while McConnell gums-up the works for the next four years and then accuse Dem’s of doing nothing. Just like 2008-2016.  Joe learned nothing from that mess. 

Clyburn endorses Biden

Clyburn, Biden’s kingmaker on Super Tuesday, saw Trump as a repudiation of Obama. He saw Biden as a restoration of Obama.  Bringing back Obama is a big mistake. Those days were mighty frustrating and unproductive.  Republican’s gained power during those eight years after a Bush economic freefall and two wars that were going badly. Stay tuned for reruns. My hope is that the base and Kamal hold Joe’s feet to the fire and he doesn’t waste his opportunity.

Speaking of which, why hasn’t Joe moved his transition headquarters to Atlanta to demonstrate the importance of the two Senate seats in the runoff? Most of his meetings are virtual, anyhow. He should be spending every spare moment on the Georgia stump for Warnock & Ossoff. Another similarity to Obama. Obama didn’t campaign in the mid-terms and Dem’s got “shellacked.”

We Only See You at Christmas

If your kids and grandkids don’t get an education and live where the economy is doing well, their economic outlook will be bleaker and they will be sentenced to live their lives as Republicans. 

Maybe that’s why R’s are so suspicious of education.  They’re afraid their educated kids will lose respect for them.  They’ll move to the big city and judge their parents when they infrequently visit.  But if they are in the same economic condition- or worse- as their parents, they’ll be just like Mom & Dad, living down the street, or maybe in the basement.

Donald Trump once said, “I love the poorly educated.”


Blind Americans….


I get the point.  We can’t be spending all our time trying for payback.  The insanity has to end sometime and why shouldn’t it begin with me?  Revenge is all-consuming and a distraction from making real progress.  I get it, but here’s the rub.

If you put out my eye and there are no consequences, what’s to stop you from putting out my other eye?  There has to be some penalty for your bad behavior to stop you from doing it again.

Democrats haven’t figured this out yet.  We look weak when we turn the other cheek (see Barack Obama), but open ourselves to hypocrisy when we act like Republicans after criticizing them for their actions.  I fear Progressives are just following Republican’s actions.  We are starting to hear repudiation of the “when they go low, we go high” philosophy, but without an alternate course of action that doesn’t result in taking out another eye.

Does somebody have an idea?  I’m tired of looking weak, feeling bad and losing.

“Tough Love” Cop out

Obama regal-1“If what you are doing requires no sacrifice at all, then you can do more,” Obama told the tony crowd at a sweeping multi-million-dollar Beverly Hills home. “If you are one of these folks who is watching cable news at your cocktail parties with your friends and you are saying ‘civilization is collapsing’ and you are nervous and worried, but that is not where you are putting all your time, energy and money, then either you don’t actually think civilization is collapsing … or you are not pushing yourself hard enough and I would push harder.”

Mr President,

I guess you don’t think things are that bad.  What are YOU doing?  Writing a $40,000,000 book, making $300,000 speeches and hanging out with Richard Branson, Bruce Springsteen and Steven Spielberg?  That much money buys a lot of insulation from Trump’s actions.  You’re set for life and your kids will do well.  What’s to worry?  Oh, did I mention Michelle’s $20,000,000 book?

The irony of this situation is that, even though you are largely responsible for this mess-for what you didn’t do during your eight years- you are the only Democrat who can unite the party against Trump and the Republicans.  The tragedy is that you won’t.  You think that because GW Bush didn’t criticize you, that it would be out-of-bounds for you to criticize Trump.  But Bush left in disgrace- economic meltdown, Katrina, WMD, etc.  His best strategy was to say nothing because to do otherwise would have given you an opening (though you wouldn’t have used it, of course) to criticize the policies and actions of Republicans to their detriment in the mid-terms.

You don’t realize the upside of speaking out.  Your haters hate you regardless of what you say or do.  The downside is already there.  The upside is that, by speaking out, you will galvanize Democrats and Progressives.  When we show up at the polls, we win.

I wonder if you actually have it in you to do the hard work of leading a cause.  2008 was a relative cakewalk.  Nearly any Democrat was going to win the Presidency and the Democratic primary was an exercise in relative civility, quaint by today’s standards.

But hey, a book, speeches and hanging out with famous people is much more fun than defending the rights of oppressed people and fighting for Democratic principles.  Do you even care about anyone who isn’t in your socio-economic class?  Did you ever?

Get off the sidelines and into the game.  A Twitter war with the Donald would be entertaining- for our side, finally.

An open letter to Barack Obama- part 2

Obama close cropSir,

“Sometimes I wonder whether I was 10 or 20 years too early”.

What bull.  What a rationalization.  It has nothing to do with your progressive ideas and very little to do with your skin color.  The voters gave you two terms to improve THEIR lives.  When you failed, they blamed your party’s chosen successor and went with someone who had a more drastic idea about change and how to go about it.  Look what we got.

How we got here is your fault.  You can say that Republicans are to blame, but you weren’t stuck in first line supervision or even middle management.  You had the top job and the latitude to get it done.  You set the expectation by implying that you were smartest guy in the room and had smart people working for you, but you didn’t deliver.  You wanted Republicans to like you instead of respecting you and your political power.  When liking you didn’t pan out and you failed to be a politician and campaign, you took the easy way out: Presidential Directives.  Well, guess what?  Donald Trump isn’t as smart as you, but he has smart-ish people working for him and he also knows how to sign Presidential Directives- directives that cancel yours.

You were weak, never standing up to Republicans.  You didn’t call them out and beat them over the head by reminding voters about Republican complicity in the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression.  Or Iraq.  Or Katrina.  Or anything else.  Politics just wasn’t your thing, even though Presidents are first and foremost politicians.  You wanted to make nice.  You didn’t campaign during the mid-terms and Democrats got “shellacked” both times.  In 2012, when you had to campaign to keep your job, Democrats didn’t pick up enough seats to make a difference.

It is somewhat laudable that you wanted to return our national conversation to civility, but your opposition wasn’t having any of it and neither was a good portion of the Country.  Eight years and it didn’t work, even when they had both Houses and could control the agenda for the last two.  And they weren’t showing any indication they would change if Hillary had won.  Expecting a different outcome when doing the same thing is a definition of insanity.

You were the wrong guy for the wrong time.  But enjoy your $40,000,000 book deal.

An open letter to progressives


Starry-eyed Democrats,

The two most consequential governmental jobs in the last 30 years that African Americans attained- the Supreme Court and the Presidency- were, in many ways, the result of affirmative action.  Both men were inexperienced and less qualified than others for their position.  But their race mattered at that particular point in time, so they got the job.  Both men caused and are still causing harm to this country- Thomas for his votes on the Supreme Court and Obama for what he didn’t do and continues not to do (nothing).

I won’t get into Clarence Thomas’ story.  It’s well known that he was unqualified, having little time as a judge.  But it was Thurgood Marshall’s seat that was vacant.  Thomas had the right political philosophy and right skin color to both satisfy conservatives and enough in the African American community to provide Bush-1 cover.

But Obama’s story needs some discussion.

In 2008, Hillary Clinton was the more qualified candidate.  She had more time in the Senate and eight years as first lady where she got a first-hand view of how the presidency works, plus she unsuccessfully developed “Clinton-care” in 1996 which certainly was an education on the adversarial relationship between the executive and Republican legislative branches of government.  Bill’s impeachment just reinforced it.

So why didn’t she get the job?  Either choice would have been historic.  Either the first woman president or first African American president.  But the base usually decides primary elections and they chose Obama.  But why?

Progressives, you are nothing but idealistic.  You knew Hillary was more qualified, but you thought (hoped?) that an African American in the White House would accelerate the end racism in America.  Discrimination of women, especially white women, wasn’t as severe as that of African Americans, so that glass ceiling could wait.  Obama was also relatively untouched by the culture of Washington and would be more likely to implement policies that didn’t have the PAC’s and large corporation’s fingerprints all over them (ha, ha!).  Hillary was a creature of Washington.  So, for these and some other reasons, she was thrown under the bus in favor of Obama.

Progressives, if you thought that Obama could end racism and that racism was more important than an economic meltdown AND two wars, then you are not idealistic.  You are dangerously naïve and put this country on a path to what we have today.

Experience counts.  Knowledge counts.  Hillary was ready to go on day one had she won.  Obama, though very smart, wasn’t as prepared.  Hillary and her 27 point plans were made for a time like 2009.  Obama’s inexperience in Washington, who some thought was an advantage, resulted in his administration spinning its wheels, failing to get traction. He burned through three chiefs of staff in his first term.  He spent too much time getting his bearings and appealing to Republicans.  At the very least, he didn’t have enough time to campaign in the 2010 midterms and Democrats got “shellacked”.

There are earlier posts and more to come describing the failings of the Obama administration, so I won’t go into particulars here other than to say that race relations are worse now than they were in 2009, admittedly due to a manufactured backlash against him.  He was a high-stakes gamble that didn’t pay-off and we are now paying the price.

If Obama had eight more years of government experience, either in the Senate or in the cabinet (vice president?), he would have been very qualified for the job as president.  Obama’s time should have been 2016.  I think deep down he knows this.

Progressives: Obama and all that followed is your responsibility.  Learn this lesson for 2020.

An Open Letter to Democrats


I’ve been thinking about World War II lately and how it applies to our current situation.  Watching “Darkest Hour”, the movie depicting the first few weeks of Winston Churchill’s prime ministership, when he convinces his citizens to go to war with Hitler rather than negotiate a surrender, put a finer point on my thoughts.

In a geopolitical sense, the Republicans leadership are not Nazi’s.  Within the framework of American politics they are.  American politics used to be played “between the 40 yard lines”.  Their leadership moved the party so far right and adopted tactics so draconian, where their sole focus is on power, destroying their opponents and hurting the most vulnerable (mostly people who don’t look like them) in our society.  How else can you defend their concern for deficits when Democrats are in power and then blow the budget by giving tax cuts to rich people and paying for them on the backs of the working class?  What about their indifference to the plainly illegal and corrupt actions by Trump?  Why do they discount intelligence showing Russian interference in our elections and possible probable/actual support for the Trump candidacy and doing nothing to prevent it from happening again 2018?  Their hatred for the Press, purposely undermining its reporting by defining their work as “fake news”.  Their not-so-subtle racism?  The “wall’, DACA and splitting-up families?  (Please note, not all Germans were Nazis, but they supported the Nazis.  The same is true of rank-and-file Republicans and its leadership.)

So, back to Churchill, but also his predecessor Neville Chamberlain who, after negotiating away Czechoslovakia and learning nothing about Hitler’s real intentions, tried to do the same to Britain.  What’s the parallel with our current situation?  Did President Obama negotiate with Republicans (Nazis) rather than oppose them?  Did his insistence on compromise and civility allow Republicans to block his agenda, appear strong and then win future elections?  Was Obama Chamberlain?  I think so.  He never had a red line.  Republicans took advantage of that and now we have what we have in the Trump administration.

The question for Democrats is: are they going to be Chamberlain or Churchill?  Can they do the necessary things to defeat the Republicans without losing what Democrats stand for?  They will have to do some unsavory things while maintaining their altruistic ideals.  More importantly, can our country be the country we know it can and should be if Democrats continue to act like Chamberlain?

Unfortunately, I see no one on the Democratic side who is a Churchill.  I see nothing but Chamberlains.  Voters respond to strength and purpose.  Democrats look and act weak.