The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining me!

No one listens to me, so I am joining the blogosphere (where no one will read me).  I’ve also recently retired and have plenty of time on my hands. I hope you find some of my musings interesting.

About me:

I’ve lived in red states nearly my entire life.

I was a Republican because my family was Republican, but quit voting that way after 1980.  Reagan was the last straw following so closely after Watergate.

I used to be an evangelical (Southern Baptist).  But since I am no longer a Republican, I can’t be a “real” evangelical.

I am educated and had good jobs my entire career, though I have been “RIF’d”.  I don’t fear immigrants.  I welcome them.  The immigration issue is solvable in a fair and humane way.

I voted for Obama twice, but for Hillary in my state’s primary in 2008.  I donated more money to him than any other candidate ever.  I voted for Hillary in 2016.

I support gay rights, DACA, the Paris accords and Iran nuclear agreement and ESPECIALLY campaign finance reform.

Sensible gun laws don’t mean the end of the 2nd amendment, though that wouldn’t be too bad if that happened.

I’m undecided, but leaning against, legalizing marijuana.  I’ve seen what chronic use does to people and I don’t trust most people to manage their use.

I give to charities and donate my time in service.

As much as I support Bernie’s positions, I believe he is more of an insurgent than a leader.  Bernie’s strengths lie in moving the establishment candidates in the right (correct) direction.  He would be a terrible president because he wouldn’t know how to develop or implement his programs, or have the support to do so.  His supporters were sore losers.

I believe that voters are looking for strength and confidence in their candidates.  Discussing the details and hedging your positions on camera makes you look phony, weak and indecisive.

I believe the situation in the Country is the responsibility of Democrats.  They didn’t hold Republicans accountable, don’t know the difference between a political argument and a legal one, are too worried about process and didn’t vote.


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