A open letter to Barack Obama- Part 1

trump obama

Mr President,

I don’t know where to begin other than to say the current situation in this country is largely your fault.  Not for what you did, but for what you didn’t do.  It will take me multiple posts to cover it all.

I begin with stating that I don’t have a problem with the policies you tried- mostly unsuccessfully- to implement.  My problem is how you went about it.

You came into office with majorities in both Houses, a super-majority in the Senate and you squandered the opportunity.  Your dogged instance to play nice with the Republicans, when a simple push would have sent them over the edge into long term irrelevance, made you look weak and enabled their return to power.  You did an awful job of explaining your actions and contrasting them with the disastrous Republican positions, making it easy for them to turn public opinion against you and your actions.  Your failure to campaign in the midterms allowed them to grow in strength each election cycle.  (I actually think you wanted the Republicans to win in 2016 in hopes they would pass big-issue legislation that would require negotiation with you.)  They now have majorities in both Houses of Congress, state houses and governor’s mansions.  We now have Neal Gorsuch, a pullout of the Paris agreement, a pullout of the Iran nuclear slowdown, ad infinitum.  Your fault.

Your unwillingness to call out Trump for his actions when you are still the highest profile Democrat robs Democrats and progressives an opportunity to make their case to the few remaining independents.  Just because George Bush didn’t criticize your actions during your terms is not a reason for staying silent.  Bush left in disgrace.  A few words from him would have actually helped you had you responded politically to his criticisms.

I don’t mind that Republicans hate you.  I do mind that they don’t (still don’t) respect you.  You spent your time hoping they would like you, but a few beat-downs would have made them respect you, a far more useful relationship.  You had Republicans in a corner during the government shutdown over the Bush tax cuts.  Instead of extracting maximum political effect and concessions, you sent Joe Biden to negotiate to help out McConnell.  Did Mitch return the favor?  I have a two word answer for that question.  Merrick Garland.  I don’t know how much more disrespect they could have shown.

But on the upside you have a $40,000,000 book deal.  If it’s title isn’t something like “I’m sorry.  I fucked up”, then I know it will be 400 pages of rationalizations and excuses, at $100,000 per page!

So disappointing.

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