An open letter to progressives


Starry-eyed Democrats,

The two most consequential governmental jobs in the last 30 years that African Americans attained- the Supreme Court and the Presidency- were, in many ways, the result of affirmative action.  Both men were inexperienced and less qualified than others for their position.  But their race mattered at that particular point in time, so they got the job.  Both men caused and are still causing harm to this country- Thomas for his votes on the Supreme Court and Obama for what he didn’t do and continues not to do (nothing).

I won’t get into Clarence Thomas’ story.  It’s well known that he was unqualified, having little time as a judge.  But it was Thurgood Marshall’s seat that was vacant.  Thomas had the right political philosophy and right skin color to both satisfy conservatives and enough in the African American community to provide Bush-1 cover.

But Obama’s story needs some discussion.

In 2008, Hillary Clinton was the more qualified candidate.  She had more time in the Senate and eight years as first lady where she got a first-hand view of how the presidency works, plus she unsuccessfully developed “Clinton-care” in 1996 which certainly was an education on the adversarial relationship between the executive and Republican legislative branches of government.  Bill’s impeachment just reinforced it.

So why didn’t she get the job?  Either choice would have been historic.  Either the first woman president or first African American president.  But the base usually decides primary elections and they chose Obama.  But why?

Progressives, you are nothing but idealistic.  You knew Hillary was more qualified, but you thought (hoped?) that an African American in the White House would accelerate the end racism in America.  Discrimination of women, especially white women, wasn’t as severe as that of African Americans, so that glass ceiling could wait.  Obama was also relatively untouched by the culture of Washington and would be more likely to implement policies that didn’t have the PAC’s and large corporation’s fingerprints all over them (ha, ha!).  Hillary was a creature of Washington.  So, for these and some other reasons, she was thrown under the bus in favor of Obama.

Progressives, if you thought that Obama could end racism and that racism was more important than an economic meltdown AND two wars, then you are not idealistic.  You are dangerously naïve and put this country on a path to what we have today.

Experience counts.  Knowledge counts.  Hillary was ready to go on day one had she won.  Obama, though very smart, wasn’t as prepared.  Hillary and her 27 point plans were made for a time like 2009.  Obama’s inexperience in Washington, who some thought was an advantage, resulted in his administration spinning its wheels, failing to get traction. He burned through three chiefs of staff in his first term.  He spent too much time getting his bearings and appealing to Republicans.  At the very least, he didn’t have enough time to campaign in the 2010 midterms and Democrats got “shellacked”.

There are earlier posts and more to come describing the failings of the Obama administration, so I won’t go into particulars here other than to say that race relations are worse now than they were in 2009, admittedly due to a manufactured backlash against him.  He was a high-stakes gamble that didn’t pay-off and we are now paying the price.

If Obama had eight more years of government experience, either in the Senate or in the cabinet (vice president?), he would have been very qualified for the job as president.  Obama’s time should have been 2016.  I think deep down he knows this.

Progressives: Obama and all that followed is your responsibility.  Learn this lesson for 2020.

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