Insanity, expecting different results….

Biden is in la-la land.  I’m not a historian, but I can’t think of any major law that wasn’t contentious and enacted with the slimmest of majorities. Voting Rights, civil right, social security, the ACA and even the 2009 stimulus during an economic freefall! Have you seen the movie Lincoln and how the 13th amendment was passed?  Biden will try his “can’t we all get along” pitch while McConnell gums-up the works for the next four years and then accuse Dem’s of doing nothing. Just like 2008-2016.  Joe learned nothing from that mess. 

Clyburn endorses Biden

Clyburn, Biden’s kingmaker on Super Tuesday, saw Trump as a repudiation of Obama. He saw Biden as a restoration of Obama.  Bringing back Obama is a big mistake. Those days were mighty frustrating and unproductive.  Republican’s gained power during those eight years after a Bush economic freefall and two wars that were going badly. Stay tuned for reruns. My hope is that the base and Kamal hold Joe’s feet to the fire and he doesn’t waste his opportunity.

Speaking of which, why hasn’t Joe moved his transition headquarters to Atlanta to demonstrate the importance of the two Senate seats in the runoff? Most of his meetings are virtual, anyhow. He should be spending every spare moment on the Georgia stump for Warnock & Ossoff. Another similarity to Obama. Obama didn’t campaign in the mid-terms and Dem’s got “shellacked.”

One thought on “Insanity, expecting different results….

  1. Joe has surprised me… in a good way. Now that the Senate Parliamentarian has ruled that Joe’s infrastructure plan can be passed using reconciliation, there is a chance to get something done. R’s who stand united against Joe’s plan will see the consequences of their inaction when the economy roars and voters are constantly reminded of R’s obstruction. Go Joe!


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